Thursday, August 20, 2009

Food mistakes turned into Love on a plate.

It doesn't happen very often but once in awhile I make a mistake in the kitchen. Not a "oops forgot the mayo" or " oops needs salt" but an honest to goodness " how the heck did that happen?"

In my years and years of cooking I have been pretty darn successful. However I can think of three mistakes that I have made in the last year that actually embarassed me.

1. A savory warm onion dip that I made for my mom's christmas party. When I got home I realized that it had TWICE the mayo that my recipe called for. I was literally sopping up oil from the top of this dip all night. I can't believe anyone ate it.

2. About two months ago I made a chicken stew dish in my crockpot and the chicken was so dry....This is chicken that was steeped and stewed in lovely juices the whole day , always covered and never neglected. Yet when we ate it , it was like straw. I was stunned and then so embarassed that I almost cried when I saw my husband push his plate away declaring" I cannot eat that. Way to dry" Now this is significant because my husband has NEVER in 15 years ever not eaten something I cooked and 99% of the time he adores it. This was heartbreaking.

3. This brings us to today. I made rice in my rice cooker like I always do but I threw some frozen chicken breasts on top and let them cook with the rice. An hour later or so I come back to nicely cooked chicken and paste. *blink* Yes paste. In truth it was very very creamy rice. However it has no tooth. So I am about to declare a kitchen disaster when I have an inspiration.
I will see if this can be salvaged. I heat up a saute pan with butter and oil and then I dollop the rice mixture into little circles in the pan and fry both sides until golden brown.


My newest addition : Golden risotto cakes with chicken and sour cream.

Recipe will follow later with a less gooey version of today's concoction.

This just goes to show, not every kitchen disaster has to end in tears and spurned lovers.
I have decided to challenge myself for the rest of my life. Whatever kitchen disasters come my way I will find a way to salvage them in a creative and yummy way.